HoardCopperByTheTon wrote: I have actually gotten several NIFC halves with R C puched in them. I call them my RealCent halves.
mishra142 wrote:This may be a stupid question... but what is the best way to 'mark' coins, just a sharpie and a unique symbol/letter? Or is there a better way? thanks
BOHICA wrote:HoardCopperByTheTon wrote: I have actually gotten several NIFC halves with R C puched in them. I call them my RealCent halves.
I found several of those in a casino in BFE, NV last year. Does anyone know what the significance of these stamps?
dan53 wrote:Bama Joe, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of the "J" mark. I usually find them on a half that has an edge that is close to having a non clad look. The other day, and for the first time, I found a 40% with a "J". (Uh, Uh, I am keeping it) I do alot of business with both Well Fargo and Regions. When I used to get coins from Well Fargo, they came on a Brinks truck with a different box than from Loomis at regions. The box was a "cube". The regions box is flat and longer. This makes me wonder if Regions and Wells Fargo return coins to the same money center. If they don't, that would be knowledge worth knowing. Ideas?
PS: I live in alabama
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