Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

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Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby theo » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:22 pm

The comment below is a repost reply to one Turd Ferguson's updates.

Although I disagree with the poster on some points, his argument does strike a cord with me. I have always felt TPTB would take measures to insure that those who hold PMs enjoy minimal benefit at best when the dollar collapses. I think the poster has a little too much faith in the elites' ability to enforce control in a post-collapse society. Of course the government will likely use currency controls and our tax code to attempt some kind of indirect PM confiscation, but will their laws and pronouncements matter when they are barely able to maintain civil order?

Anyway I was curious as to what you guys think.


Being theoretically correct and reaping the rewards of oft dubbed "greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world" are 2 different things. I have often said I believe we are theoretically correct, that owning physical gold and silver are the way to go. However, it is TPTB that are setting up this next great transfer of wealth and by no means are you or I invited to tag along with them.

I am certain that on an elite level gold and silver will be the foundation of the richy riches' wealth. I am also certain that our stacking will not equate to us sharing in this great transfer. For the common man I am envisioning that the public will be able to convert pms to the new currency (best case scenario) but at a level that is marginally beneficial to you as ridiculously established by THE MAN and supported by the masses of sheep (probably atleast 95% of the population) who were not fortunate enough to become educated on fiat currencies, fractional reserve banking, precious metals, etc. I mean when you hear that institutional investments into PMs are less than 5% (these are people with financial, accounting, economic educations running these funds). Are naive enough to think that the common man has a clue? When you have multi millionaires paper wealth and everyday Bob's 401k blow up into oblivion, do you think the masses will stand for Joe Stacker buying up their homes for a couple ounces of gold? Do you think they will go hungry due to hyperinflation while we stroll into Wal-Mart and drop a few pre-65 Washingtons for a cart of groceries?

Do not be foolish enough to believe TPTB are scrambling trying to hold their ponzi scheme together. They know it's a ponzi scheme; they invented it. They also know will fail and have planned it to fail at a certain time. They also know what they are going to do next.

We think and plan linearly with regards to how we understand things in the past and currently. For example:

1. We look to situations like Great Depression and Weimar and see ways that people could have profited from those situations. We cannot grasp the depth of what is going to happen "the next time" and how to profit from that. It is easy to look to the past and see what could have been done.

2. We have a plan in place based on what we perceive is happening with current information (e.g. Fiat currencies fail, precious metals cannot be printed, commodities skyrocket, riots ensue, infrastructures break down, better get food/water, weapons, plant a garden, develop community groups)

3. It is impossible to predict the type of crises they will manufacture, when it will happen, and how people will be manipulated to react.

You will read the end is closer than you think, prepare accordingly; but how can you prepare when how you will prepare now is based on what you think might happen but is not likely what will happen? You prepare based on how you understand the rules or how you think the rules will be. TPTB are 10 steps ahead of that and will most likely change the rules to something we have never considered.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:28 pm

If it was true that there were people thinking 10 steps ahead, they are a small number of people, they have their assets protected already (probably in PMs), and frankly they could care less what the small-time 5% of us - those who could think a bit ahead and who have marginal amounts ourselves - do or don't do. What little we have pales in comparison, and they would have far larger plans and/or worries than us.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:28 pm

I have had the same type of discussions/arguments with Bill Still. He does not like gold because the elites own it and manipulate it. He does a fantasic job explaining monetary and banking history, but he still favors a paper currency. His logic does not make any sense to me.

IMO gold and silver are the ONLY way to protect your personal wealth. It has been money for over 6000 years. TPTB hate it because they cannot track you and there is no counter party or middleman who charges front loads, back loads, fees, expenses, etc... Once you have it in your possession, you own it... no counter party risks at all.

There is always a chance that TPTB may raise the tax rate when you sell your PMs, but I have a feeling it will be a moot point because there will be a huge grey/black PM market by then.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:03 am

Someday we will wish we had paid more attention to what the Greeks are doing. Oh sure, we know they lived the Club Med lifestyle on other people's money. They were getting paid for hardly working and then allowed to retire early. Germans and French subsidizing the Greeks because Greek politicians promised their countrymen a chicken in every pot and the wily Greeks took 'em up on that offer. Well, we've cussed the whole lot of them for their laziness.

However, they are also very good at not paying taxes. That is the technique we need to master. Unfortunately, time is now limited. The wife and I went to Istanbul in August. Now I'm thinking a week in Athens might have been better in spite of the demonstrations rumbling through the streets.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:08 am

might they "allow us to prosper"?

hmmm. sometimes you zig, when you're expected to zag. Study the coyote. Your mind and your soul no one but God can see.

TPTB are huge and lumbering, so learn to be fleet of foot, just my read.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby Treetop » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:54 am

I find a lot of this moot. Although still true in that I find it very possible strings could be pulled in such a way it is hard to prosper TO much building up to and during a crash. However PM holders should find themselves better off on the other side of one if they were producing their own means of survival during said crash..... I dont see PMs being terribly valuable during a crash honestly. We do not have enough producers. If this was the 30s it would be much different an era most could of either grew their own food and took care of business or moved in with country relatives to do so. In our era I dont think its likely to play out like that and our means of production are rather compartmentalized and dependent on many outside variables. Including food the most basic.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:29 am

Here is another fallback option:


Visit: http://www.beefjerky.com

I got a PM question, here's the answer:

The shelf life depends on the storage conditions.
Never store it where sunlight can get on it.

If you want to keep it a long time, put the bags of jerky into a sealed 5-gal plastic bucket, to keep vermin from chewing the bags.

Keep it in a cool, dark place; where the temp does not change much. KEEPS FOR MORE THAN A YEAR.

Or keep it in a refrigerator. KEEPS A FEW YEARS

Or keep it in a freezer. KEEPS FOREVER
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:18 am

LOL! 16 minutes after I posted "STACK JERKY" I got an order from a guy with a Goldman Sachs address in New York City!!!

The TPTB are watching our forum! heheheheh.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby Mossy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:50 am

The wealthiest, and smartist, would regard FerFALs advice to be elementary preperations. They already have homes in other countries, wealth stored in various forms in other countries, and private planes and yachts to take them there.

A tiny number will be sufficiently influentual to be immune to the problems. Many of the rest are going to think they are, and get smashed, if they stay here. As I recall from other countries, some bought temporary immunity, but the people in power turned on them, one at a time, and the wealthy mostly saw those being destroyed as competitors who lost and thought it would never happen to them.

We will catch some splash from the "Occupy Walls Street" movement if it takes off, it looks a lot like preperation for class warfare that typically ends with a dictator in power, and we are going to get run over when the laws get changed to attack the wealthy.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby theo » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:01 pm

IdahoCopper wrote:LOL! 16 minutes after I posted "STACK JERKY" I got an order from a guy with a Goldman Sachs address in New York City!!!

The TPTB are watching our forum! heheheheh.

You mean the customer ordered prooduct from you to be sent to his office address?. . . at GS???

I'm glad to see your business expanding, but this is disturbing on many levels.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:17 pm

theo wrote:
IdahoCopper wrote:LOL! 16 minutes after I posted "STACK JERKY" I got an order from a guy with a Goldman Sachs address in New York City!!!

The TPTB are watching our forum! heheheheh.

You mean the customer ordered prooduct from you to be sent to his office address?. . . at GS???

I'm glad to see your business expanding, but this is disturbing on many levels.

Yes. Exactly. I sent it to a NYC Goldman Sachs office address. It was only 2 pounds, so maybe he will pass some of it around the cubicles and I'll soon be getting stacking orders of 25 pounds each! One can only hope....
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:46 pm

theo wrote:
IdahoCopper wrote:LOL! 16 minutes after I posted "STACK JERKY" I got an order from a guy with a Goldman Sachs address in New York City!!!

The TPTB are watching our forum! heheheheh.

You mean the customer ordered prooduct from you to be sent to his office address?. . . at GS???

I'm glad to see your business expanding, but this is disturbing on many levels.

The scum sucker elites are watching everything that is watchable. Just go out in public and look at all the cameras above your head... they are EVERYWHERE.

Thankfully, many of us here are on to them and know what they'e up to. I'd sure hate to be them when the SHTF. I have a feeling many will be hunted down and tortured to death and hung, just like Nazi officers/officials in 1945-46.

Are you reading this you criminal banksters?... I hope you are, because your days are numbered. :lol: :twisted:
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby theo » Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:16 pm

I'm not very comfortable with threats of violence on this site. . . whether in jest or not.

I'm sure that when the SHTF "bankers" and "Wall Street crooks" will be hunted down and killed. Unfortunately most of these will be functionaries in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those who are really to blame for this will likely never be punished. Many American and European bankers who financed Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were not even confronted with their crimes much less punished. Last year three "bankers" were killed during the Greek riots. . . actually they were low level bank employees who parished when their bank building was set on fire.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby Treetop » Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:36 pm

theo wrote:I'm not very comfortable with threats of violence on this site. . . whether in jest or not.

I'm sure that when the SHTF "bankers" and "Wall Street crooks" will be hunted down and killed. Unfortunately most of these will be functionaries in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those who are really to blame for this will likely never be punished. Many American and European bankers who financed Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were not even confronted with their crimes much less punished. Last year three "bankers" were killed during the Greek riots. . . actually they were low level bank employees who parished when their bank building was set on fire.

agree.... Its a game of chess and they are several moves ahead. just try to stay on the board when the final shoe drops.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:48 pm

theo wrote:I'm not very comfortable with threats of violence on this site. . . whether in jest or not.

I'm sure that when the SHTF "bankers" and "Wall Street crooks" will be hunted down and killed. Unfortunately most of these will be functionaries in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those who are really to blame for this will likely never be punished. Many American and European bankers who financed Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were not even confronted with their crimes much less punished. Last year three "bankers" were killed during the Greek riots. . . actually they were low level bank employees who parished when their bank building was set on fire.

Extremely powerful post! Thank you.
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Re: Will the TPTB allow physical PM holders to prosper??

Postby silverflake » Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:11 am

Guys, bottom line - keep stacking. Sincerely. It's all we can do and I still think it's a pretty powerful option. I am to the point where I am ready to get out of the ETFs too. Does anyone in realcent buy physical metals in their IRA? Not Sprotts physical funds but real physical metals held by a 3rd party?
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