Copper Pennies in the spotlight! *UPDATE again*

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Copper Pennies in the spotlight! *UPDATE again*

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:03 am

Hi everyone,

A couple weeks ago I had an ABC corespondandt from the TV show "Nightline" come out and interview me. They videotaped me sorting, the process, and talked with me about why a coppy penny is worth what it is and why people should save/invest in them. They also interviewed 2 other forum members, 1 being a hand sorter and the other being a ryedale sorter. They say on average 6-8 MILLION people watch every show so we should get a lot more attention in the penny world.

They filimed the handsorter logging onto Realcent and making a post so realcent should also be getting some new activity.

I am not sure what all they are going to use for the short clips so time will tell but I do feel pretty comforatable with it. Overall I am told it should be a 7-8 minute clip. I won't know for sure untill I see it though.

The air date is sometime in Novemeber (I will keep you updated) on your local ABC channel. I am told it airs at 11:35pm Pacific time so adjust accordingly to where you are located.

I know not everyone is going to like that it that copper pennies are getting a lot more attention but thats really what needs to happen to get the market fully developed. In reality the more people involved bring the prices up which helps everyone...even if you are hoarding and not selling right now.

Last edited by highroller4321 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby Cent1225 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:29 am

When this airs, can you videotape it and post it on You Tube and let us know where it is so we can watch it?
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:42 am

Cent1225 wrote:When this airs, can you videotape it and post it on You Tube and let us know where it is so we can watch it?

Once its airs its suppose to be available online at the nightline website.

I will keep everyone updated.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby brexzz1 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:58 pm

This is not good
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby Nokozan » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:03 pm

cant wait to see it!
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby willy13 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:08 pm

I have mixed feelings....

It takes a special kind of person to sort pennies.;) The news may increase buyers more than sorters.... which is good for you rydale guys.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby merchoarder » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:22 pm

Pretty cool, good for you highroller! Should drum up some serious business! I highly doubt this is gonna have any negative effects. People are not gonna watch this and start sorting, a few will sure, but only a few. People don't get it, gold, silver, copper, "no one" cares. A few might actually realize a good opportunity but sheeple will still be sheeple.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby NHsorter » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:30 pm

My biggest worry is that it won't take very many more people requesting coin from banks before they start cutting people off or charging. I can't find a single bank anywhere near me at all that will sell me bags, so I think the next step is free boxes getting cut off. Sure, this will help develop the market, but I don't have enough copper yet!!

I will be watching the show for sure.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby exbingoaddict » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:31 pm

Very cool highroller. Be looking forward to seeing it.

Anybody notice that HCBTT hasn't been posting today? Wonder if he's doing an interview with Robin Leach. :mrgreen:
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby Corsair » Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:04 pm

Batten down the hatches! All hands on deck! Prepare for the onslaught!

Congrats, Adam. Looking forward to seeing it. Not looking forward to any local repercussions...
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:15 pm

Corsair wrote:Batten down the hatches! All hands on deck! Prepare for the onslaught!

Congrats, Adam. Looking forward to seeing it. Not looking forward to any local repercussions...

This post is for everyone not just Corsair....

Its highly unlikely that there will be any local repercussions! There would have to be a large number of increased users in YOUR town to make any effect. The only way its really going to hurt anyone is if there is a national change of policy.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:02 pm


So who are our other two members? Come on you two spill the beans.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Corsair » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:42 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:VERY COOL

So who are our other two members? Come on you two spill the beans.

"An unknown penny hoarder from California who wishes to be known only as Sniper Cat...."
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby silverflake » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:49 pm

I am cynical. Penny sorting, whether you do it for fun (it is fun) or for hoarding/future price appreciation of copper, is work. Though it is rewarding work for us here at realcent, I think there's too many people out there afraid to get off their butts and go to the bank, sort the pennies, roll the pennies, store the pennies, return the zincs...Holy cow, I'm getting tired thinking about it!

Anyhow, I thinks MOST people will never consider this until copper crashes throught he roof in price. We ain't there yet.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby stlouiscoin » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:52 pm

Congrats on the publictity, both for us sorters and hoarders, and for realcent. Butttt, Grrr because it will bring more people into this, causing less for us!! (i know, selfish, but who doesnt want copper and silver for face value?)
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:03 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:VERY COOL

So who are our other two members? Come on you two spill the beans.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby andrewjackson » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:04 pm

:shock: First Newsweek, now prime time news!!! I found a huge vein of gold while prospecting this summer do you think the news would come interview me and make me famous for a day If I show the world where it is??? Congratulations we'll chalk another one up for you.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:12 pm

Well I look forward to developments of this.

I also do not believe that this is a bad thing. More people need to look at Cu pennies as more than just one cent face. I would like to someday trade Cu bags in a fashion/volume like silver face does now. That’s the goal. Ban or no ban.......... Liquidity.

And remmember folks........Liquidity=Good
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby daviscfad » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:14 pm

this is neat. curious to see how it pans out
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby maoguinn » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:19 pm

:o must sort more, must sort more, must sort more....
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby slvrbck » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:28 pm

So will this little snipit focus primarily on cents? Will there be any discussion of nickels? Just curious but I feel like it will not take much more public knowledge to force a change in nickel composition.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby andrewjackson » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:58 pm

8-) To my knowledge January 2012 the nickel composition will be changing along with the penny to worthless steel :x Highroller, could you post another photo of one of your 100,000.00 face value eBay auctions so those on this forum can see why it is in your best interest for the market to increase as quickly as possible? Have you cleared this ryedale commercial with Andy? Last time I talked to him he was working full time and out straight with his business. Yes folks it is true the more we broadcast this opportunity the more in tune the public and banking institutions will be and access may be restricted due to demand.I already see it happening. But this only affects the smaller or new sorter. Once again kudos to the mighty Highroller...........................
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Corsair » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:59 pm

andrewjackson wrote:8-) To my knowledge January 2012 the nickel composition will be changing along with the penny to worthless steel :x Highroller, could you post another photo of one of your 100,000.00 face value eBay auctions so those on this forum can see why it is in your best interest for the market to increase as quickly as possible? Have you cleared this ryedale commercial with Andy? Last time I talked to him he was working full time and out straight with his business. Yes folks it is true the more we broadcast this opportunity the more in tune the public and banking institutions will be and access may be restricted due to demand.I already see it happening. But this only affects the smaller or new sorter. Once again kudos to the mighty Highroller...........................

Where'd you find that nugget of knowledge?
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby everything » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:33 pm

If any of you are worried about shortages, and it could happen, stock up on boxes, join another bank, and establish relationship with your banks, find a girl or boyfriend who is a teller, or bank employee, find a way to get into the "inside". I was keeping minimum $200 in unsearched boxes around at any given time. I did not always get what I wanted every time I picked up my orders either.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby TXBullion » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:52 pm

Anybody considering socking away a few tons before copper gets too much attention? PM for a possible group buy!

TIme is limited!
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