How do you deal with stupid people?

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How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby PennyPauper » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:32 am ... rant-ever/

I try not to get upset when confronted with gross idiocy but this issue will not go away,which is a good thing I guess.Since it is a oppertunity to really educate people about real money and how our government through the federal reserve is on its merry way to destroying the dollar.It won't end with the penny or nickel,maybe the quarter or half-dollar?Maybe eventually the dollar itself will be deamed too wasteful to produce,who wants to carry around those nasty dollar bills.I don't know what this country is coming too but if fools like the ranter in that video or the idiots at that blog and the nytimes are allowed to make the choices for us we are in for one hell of a future.I can only hope more people will be as fortunate as I have been to discover the truth,which this forum has helped with greatly.We must not only focus on saving copper pennies for ourselves,we also really need to get the word out about what is really happening.
Support the few real voices in politics which understand this problem,with our voices,votes,and monatary support.Well I guess thats my rant for the day! :roll:
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Quagmire » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:58 pm

The penny is not going to be eliminated. This is because of, not in spite of the fact that it wastes money to produce. Have you ever heard of a government that TURNED A PROFIT? Exactly :D
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Spikeanator6982 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:18 pm

I think the argument to stop making the penny because it costs more than a penny to make is not a very well thought out one. How many times in the next 30+ years will that said penny be used? You don't not buy a car because how much it costs verses how much one trip to work is worth.....
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby hobo finds » Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:35 pm

The penny will stay due to different sales tax rates thruought the country. It may be made of plastic but it will still be around.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:05 pm

Ha ha ha ha! He said the baby scratched his nose..Baloney! I'll bet he did it as he was warming up for this little video! :D

Uh, ahem! If the penny is not ever discontinued... when do we get the melt ban lifted off copper pennies? :?: I would think most RealCent'ers would want pennies and nickels discontinued. Right?
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby didou » Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:41 pm

How do you deal with stupid people?
Darwin evolution of species : Just wait they will be the first one to die if WTSHTF.
I'm afraid some people won't ever understand and their best shot in life it to serve as bad example for others.

Forget it and put your energy and time with some people that deserve it, by that i meant have a chance to understand it and help them self being more self-sufficient.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby frugalcanuck » Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:44 pm

Ever see the movie "Idiocracy"? I do believe the world is heading in that direction.

Stupid people are necessary to remind others that they themselves are not expendable.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Neckro » Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:54 pm

Not really. The smart innovative people are the reason stupid people have not died out yet. Soon as the intelligence factors out, the retards would revert and die off.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Lemon Thrower » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:17 pm

europe has a sales tax but they use very few pennies or even nickels or dimes. instead, the tax is burried into the price you pay, as with gasoline and movie tickets in the u.s.

the elimination of the penny is an admission of inflation, so govt will never do it. eventually it will become obsolete. merchants don't care if your bill is $7.01 and you hand them 7 singles.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby barrytrot » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:23 pm

How is this guy stupid? He makes several valid points and cites sources.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Investin Cents » Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:23 pm

"I think the argument to stop making the penny because it costs more than a penny to make is not a very well thought out one. How many times in the next 30+ years will that said penny be used? You don't not buy a car because how much it costs verses how much one trip to work is worth....."

One word response to this argument: Seigniorage

Here's a few more words: today's cents may not last 3 years, so forget 30 years. Also wasn't there a Fed study done that showed almost 1/2 of cents made are only used once? Or close to it?

On the car analogy, aside from the quite wild hyperbole, or maybe, in spite of it, let's take it to its extreme - could GM or Chrysler stay in business long by making a $50K car & selling it for $30K? (OK, other than the fact that they've actually been doing that for 30 years, in reality that is a failed business model). That is the equivalent of what the US Mint & US Government is doing. It is madness - sheer madness! :roll:
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby PennyPauper » Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:40 pm

barrytrot wrote:How is this guy stupid? He makes several valid points and cites sources.

I should not have called him stupid,I don't like name calling and it was wrong of me.He is intelligent and educated.But he spent all the time and effort of researching about the cost of minting 1 and 5 cent coins,wasted productivity,and the math to state that a penny is worth 1/26 of its original value.
He spent all his time on the effect and not the cause.If he is so outraged at the mints wasted money,he should be raising hell about how it got to that point.
And should be equally outraged that all the other money in his pockets is worthless than its original value.And the fact that those freakonomics dudes,and the NYT seem to love this guy equally ticks me off,since they are continuing to hide the fraud of the federal reserve and congress through their promotion of a flashly yet hollow youtube video.They may be ignorant on the issues but I strongly doubt it. Like I said its a good thing since the issue keeps coming up it another chance to educate people of the real issues. Do a search on what Thomas Jefferson wrote about specie. Read up on seignorage and greshams law.
Actually listen to what Ron Paul has said about the federal reserve instead of labeling him as a goof or some radical.Its not by mistake or chance the dollar has lost 95% of it buying power since the federal reserve has been given control of our money.The buying power of a silver dime is the same it was back then.Same for a gold coin.They can reduce costs by making coins out of plastic,but I don't think people would be happy with that,but it would seem to solve the ranters issues. And he his totally wrong about if Abe Lincoln where alive today he would wonder why his face is on a coin thats worthless.I would think he would get on youtube and give the people a proper lesson,and be super PO'd about how we have squandered our inheritance.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby barrytrot » Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:36 am

PennyPauper wrote:
barrytrot wrote:How is this guy stupid? He makes several valid points and cites sources.

I should not have called him stupid,I don't like name calling and it was wrong of me.He is intelligent and educated.But he spent all the time and effort of researching about the cost of minting 1 and 5 cent coins,wasted productivity,and the math to state that a penny is worth 1/26 of its original value.
He spent all his time on the effect and not the cause.If he is so outraged at the mints wasted money,he should be raising hell about how it got to that point.
And should be equally outraged that all the other money in his pockets is worthless than its original value.And the fact that those freakonomics dudes,and the NYT seem to love this guy equally ticks me off,since they are continuing to hide the fraud of the federal reserve and congress through their promotion of a flashly yet hollow youtube video.They may be ignorant on the issues but I strongly doubt it. Like I said its a good thing since the issue keeps coming up it another chance to educate people of the real issues. Do a search on what Thomas Jefferson wrote about specie. Read up on seignorage and greshams law.
Actually listen to what Ron Paul has said about the federal reserve instead of labeling him as a goof or some radical.Its not by mistake or chance the dollar has lost 95% of it buying power since the federal reserve has been given control of our money.The buying power of a silver dime is the same it was back then.Same for a gold coin.They can reduce costs by making coins out of plastic,but I don't think people would be happy with that,but it would seem to solve the ranters issues. And he his totally wrong about if Abe Lincoln where alive today he would wonder why his face is on a coin thats worthless.I would think he would get on youtube and give the people a proper lesson,and be super PO'd about how we have squandered our inheritance.

Well said. Very!
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby carterandsabina » Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:55 pm

I would think that if the penny were discontinued the melt ban would be lifted and that would be good for all of us. Am I missing something?
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Corsair » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:17 pm

Everyone always complains about how much money the Mint loses making pennies and nickels. But just think for a moment about how much money they make producing dollar coins, that do absolutely nothing. Or twenty dollar bills. Or hundreds. And proof sets. The Mint, for the most part, knows what they're doing. It's the FED and Congress that don't.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby frugalcanuck » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:35 pm

I dont think a discontinued penny or nickel is good for the members here. One of the reasons for sorting as a win / brake even investment with only inflation as a face value loss. I sort because I cannot loose money in this form of investing because of the possibility of returning my pennies or nickels back to ther bank for their face value. If that factor was to dissapear sorting would be a much riskier hobby / investment. The price of Cu could drop.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby bman » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:19 am

How do you deal with stupid people?

my old Realcent feedback thread:
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby PennyPauper » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:01 am

Now thats a cat I wouldn't mind having around.
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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Joogaler » Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:51 pm

frugalcanuck wrote:Ever see the movie "Idiocracy"? I do believe the world is heading in that direction.

Stupid people are necessary to remind others that they themselves are not expendable.

I thought that movie was based on a "true story." Rofl...

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Re: How do you deal with stupid people?

Postby Redneck » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:40 am

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