Just like before a thunderstorm

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Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:35 am

i dont know about of ya'll, but the last two, three weeks, seem like that time, before a really big thunderstorm hits. You've heard the forecasts, the air is still and charged, you begin to see on the horizon, those huge clouds blowing up higher.

Silver's just trading very quiet, again, banding up. Premiums on physical, very robust. Its kind of spooky, if you ask me. Somethings coming and i cant quite put my finger on it. If you made me "guess"?....we blow past 50. The "reason" why?....i dont know, but at the heart of it, would be the disarray in the EU zone, and BAC cratering....just a guess.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby Know Common Cents » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:17 am

I feel it, too, and am equally unsure about the cause.

I looked at e-Bay last night to check on silver deals. There weren't any. Even the local coin shops are buying US 90% at about 20-21X, but selling above 27X. One could argue they're the ones talking the risk in these markets, so the spread is justified. One could also argue that they're selling newly acquired junk silver at a higher premium to offset their losses at the 30X purchases from a couple months ago. Not even much room for negotiating recently, although CIF (cash in fist) in sufficient quantity still has some allure.

Trying to add to my stack as much as possible. I've taken this one step further by trying to get all of my medical and dental things taken care of this year. Scheduled my annual physical and dental exam for Nov.

I think that some of the general malaise is due to the calendar. Once we hit Nov, we're only one year away from the presidential elections. Most everyone I know is concerned about the outcome. And then there are months and months of relentless campaign ads on TV, radio, print media, mail, robo phone calls, etc..... Perhaps Rip Van Winkle had the right idea. Wake me up when it's over, Pal.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby blackrabbit » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:43 am

Top contender for Democrats = Obama
Top contributor of funds to Obama = Goldman Sachs
Top contender for Republicans = Romney
Top contributor of funds to Romney = Goldman Sachs

Good night! Wake me up if Ron Paul is able to shake anything up.

The financial course is the same no matter what so just keep stacking metals. Banksters can't just conger them out of thin air.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:00 pm

Know Common Cents wrote:I feel it, too, and am equally unsure about the cause.

I looked at e-Bay last night to check on silver deals. There weren't any. Even the local coin shops are buying US 90% at about 20-21X, but selling above 27X. One could argue they're the ones talking the risk in these markets, so the spread is justified. One could also argue that they're selling newly acquired junk silver at a higher premium to offset their losses at the 30X purchases from a couple months ago. Not even much room for negotiating recently, although CIF (cash in fist) in sufficient quantity still has some allure.

Trying to add to my stack as much as possible. I've taken this one step further by trying to get all of my medical and dental things taken care of this year. Scheduled my annual physical and dental exam for Nov.

I think that some of the general malaise is due to the calendar. Once we hit Nov, we're only one year away from the presidential elections. Most everyone I know is concerned about the outcome. And then there are months and months of relentless campaign ads on TV, radio, print media, mail, robo phone calls, etc..... Perhaps Rip Van Winkle had the right idea. Wake me up when it's over, Pal.

i think you nailed it with the latter, on why the spread is so wide, guys must have got hammered. and you're right, Ebay's like one of those dreary flea mkts, in concern to silver. half the roll listings are these "possible silver" humps, or the glue sniffing "buy it now" crowd, and politics, whether geo or national? God have mercy, its one lie after another, the pot is boiling. truly, i find it all so heartbreakingly drab and grey. Surely life should much more than counting stacks, or reading the lies of men...ahhh, but i digress. Its time to seek for the pure and noble, let the devil take the hindmost. neil
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:06 pm

blackrabbit wrote:Top contender for Democrats = Obama
Top contributor of funds to Obama = Goldman Sachs
Top contender for Republicans = Romney
Top contributor of funds to Romney = Goldman Sachs

Good night! Wake me up if Ron Paul is able to shake anything up.

The financial course is the same no matter what so just keep stacking metals. Banksters can't just conger them out of thin air.

Rabbit, but your in Humboldt in Oct! this is a time of joy, mixed with fear and loathing. harvest time, bud!!! how them CAMP boys doing?....or did they run out of camo and helicopter gas money? Make sure to give them sonsa bustards my warm love. Humboldt in October! yeh buddy!....i and I.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby INTRINSICK » Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:51 pm

Rabbit,i like paul too...he is the only one who makes sense out of the bunch....imo
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby Delawhere Jack » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:12 pm

Sooner or later the drama in EU must end. Massive printing or massive sovereign defaults/bank crashes.
Foreign holdings of UST in custodial accounts at Treas. have dropped $78B in six of the last seven weeks as of a week ago.
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Someone let Joe Biden out of the dungeon. Things have got to be bad if they need that idiot shooting his mouth off to provide cover.

Would those be some of the gathering clouds?

In the local Sunday paper, there were at least 6 (probably 8) full page adds for jewelers, coin shops etc. looking to "buy your gold and silver". Many of them were two full pages.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby Delawhere Jack » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:18 pm

Not withstanding all of the above, I would not be surprised to see silver get clobbered again............and again, and again, and again.............short term.

Or maybe it goes to $50, wadda I know.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:21 pm

Delawhere Jack wrote:
Would those be some of the gathering clouds?

In the local Sunday paper, there were at least 6 (probably 8) full page adds for jewelers, coin shops etc. looking to "buy your gold and silver". Many of them were two full pages.

Jack, ooooh yes, so many gathering clouds, a fellow can hardly keep count, but i'll tell you this; your bit of info, about the Sunday paper adverts is more valuable to me than 20 silver "analysts" opinion, or 50 zero hedge articles, because its what you SAW, witnessed, not market gossip, etc...so i thank you Jack, neil
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby silverflake » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:26 pm

Premiums on SLV calls for Nov. and Dec. are shrinking. There's a complacency in the silver (and even gold) market. Keep stacking physical. Next burst I am going to try to get out of SLV. I've had myself a good run with it but I don't trust the paper silver anymore (not to mention it is run by JP Morgan). Jp Morgan is probably one of the big boys who have been knocking silver down all these years.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:42 pm

The forecasts are all over the place, too. I don't know what to do. Luckily, if I want to get something, I know a good place in town to go.

Today my LCS is buying/selling as follows:
AGE: $1678 - $1728
Can. Gold MPL: $1658 - $1695

US 90% silver: $21.75 - $22.95
Avg. circulated silver dollars: $25 - $30
Uncirculated ASEs: $33.50 - $34.50

This place has been absolutely honest in all my dealings with them. Anybody want me to buy something for them? Just send me a PM and we can work out details.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby blackrabbit » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:25 pm

Rabbit, but your in Humboldt in Oct! this is a time of joy, mixed with fear and loathing. harvest time, bud!!! how them CAMP boys doing?....or did they run out of camo and helicopter gas money? Make sure to give them sonsa bustards my warm love. Humboldt in October! yeh buddy!....i and I.

CAMP is busier than ever but so is one well functioning decentralized free market. CAMP has plenty of money and is not getting it's funding cut as domestic militarized police forces will continue to be a top funding priority. While CAMP will always be busy, the industry will stay busier. The free market wins no matter what they do.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:45 pm

Had no idea what "CAMP" was, had to goggle it. Weird.

Anyway, yes, the thunderstorms are gathering, the pressure is building, the ozone is sharp on the nose...
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby rexmerdinus » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:22 am

68Camaro wrote:Had no idea what "CAMP" was, had to goggle it.

Me too. Had a hunch and I was right ;) Be safe, whichever side you're on!
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby sparechange » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:40 am

Can always depend on this forum for a good education. Thanks for the insight on CAMP. Guess I've had my head in the sand for a while on this one. Stack is not big enough, must get it higher!
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby Delawhere Jack » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:44 am

neilgin1 wrote:
Delawhere Jack wrote:
Would those be some of the gathering clouds?

In the local Sunday paper, there were at least 6 (probably 8) full page adds for jewelers, coin shops etc. looking to "buy your gold and silver". Many of them were two full pages.

Jack, ooooh yes, so many gathering clouds, a fellow can hardly keep count, but i'll tell you this; your bit of info, about the Sunday paper adverts is more valuable to me than 20 silver "analysts" opinion, or 50 zero hedge articles, because its what you SAW, witnessed, not market gossip, etc...so i thank you Jack, neil

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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby creshka46 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:06 am

I still have no idea what CAMP is.... Anyone care to enlighten me?!
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby NHsorter » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:12 am

Yup, I got a bad feeling myself. Even the liberals on the TV and radio are reporting on how screwed up the Euros are as well as our banks. The DJIA is way higher than it should be right now and I am acting. As of now, I own 0 stocks. The money that I do have stuck in retirement accounts is fully allocated in cash funds. After the bills are paid this week, anything left is getting turned into ASE's. Hold On!! Something has got to give here, they can't keep kicking the can over there, this is getting absurd.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby blackrabbit » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:26 am

I have no plantation as I am just a landless peasant so am not really involved on any side of CAMP. http://ag.ca.gov/bne/camp.php I do know by even looking at their statistics that they get more every year but there is more out there every year. I also know people who are very concerned about what they CAMP is doing as most of the economy is based on cash crops in the rural areas of this state. If anyone wants to discuss Cali pot politics start a thread over in a more appropriate section as this really does not belong in this section.

But as for precious metals, looks like some rain has begun to fall today........ :mrgreen:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:49 am

blackrabbit wrote:I have no plantation as I am just a landless peasant so am not really involved on any side of CAMP. http://ag.ca.gov/bne/camp.php I do know by even looking at their statistics that they get more every year but there is more out there every year. I also know people who are very concerned about what they CAMP is doing as most of the economy is based on cash crops in the rural areas of this state. If anyone wants to discuss Cali pot politics start a thread over in a more appropriate section as this really does not belong in this section.

But as for precious metals, looks like some rain has begun to fall today........ :mrgreen:

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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby rickygee » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:29 pm

I'd say the first cracks of thunder will be resounding a couple three weeks after Christmas. Retailers are going apeshift trying to gear up for Christmas sales. Hell's fire, it's not even Halloween and the Big Boxers have had all the Christmas stuff out for three weeks already. Things will move along till after Christmas, the exchanges, and the gift card redemptions and then BAM. Retail sales will stall. The big box guys, most notably Walmart*, the nations largest private employer, will cut employees. Part timers will be canned, full timers, if they're lucky, will go to part time and the ball is rolling downhill fast.

BTW read the other day that most full time retail workers haven't had a 40 hour week in many months.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby wbeck » Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:57 am

Lord... Can you even imagine? Making minimum wage, or $10 an hour... And not even getting 40 hours a week. I can't even conceive of how anyone can live on that. As much as I like to complain sometimes, ultimately I do realize how fortunate I am being self employed with a growing business right now.
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:13 am

wbeck wrote:Lord... Can you even imagine? Making minimum wage, or $10 an hour... And not even getting 40 hours a week. I can't even conceive of how anyone can live on that. As much as I like to complain sometimes, ultimately I do realize how fortunate I am being self employed with a growing business right now.

Beck, no i cant even imagine...i can. but its just all cracks my heart in two. Thats why whenever i go into wal marts, or this in that store, i always try to walk ultra courteous, be sweet, and winsome, coz i see their faces, and we aint talking about people that can envision a bright future, they just getting by. the way i was raised, was that America is sposed to be a Land of Bright Futures, meaning if you work hard, play by the rules, study, you can better your lot and your childrens lot in life, and it seems to me, that American Dream is fading way fast. Thats why we see a land in turmoil, and thats why i see these labels, "liberal", "conservative" of little to no value.

if you love something or someone SO MUCH, what a failure a man would be if he doesnt call out with a ringing voice, when the object of his love is going astray? i LOVE this country, Our America, and its going wrong. i thought we whooped king george the thirds azz and his redcoats!...and send them packing, i thought we whooped hitler's azz, and his nazi hordes, and sent them packing off to hell, which is there place....and i look around, and THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE BACK!!....coz we all fallen asleep and these hellhounds just crept in thru the back door...and the only fellow with enough grit to call out this madness, Congressman Ron Paul, the media treats his campaign like its a gang of pajama wearing mental patients......and if you get to be a threat to this empire...you're dead. i learned that lesson on 22 Nov 1963.....i sure wish we'd quit tearing each other apart, meaning that whole "liberal", "conservative" thing....sorry to vent, i just dont know anymore, but i AM glad you done like a coyote, with the self employed growing business, may God enrich your household, fondly, neil
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby silverflake » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:27 am

neilgin1, your wisdom is worth the visit each day to realcent.org. As Americans, the country as a whole has fallen asleep. Basically post WWII it seems we hit the slide into mediocrity. I am in my early 40's and learned from my Dad, not so much what to expect from this country, but what NOT to expect. He was a veteran (Air Force 52-56) and always told me to trust 'Uncle Sam' (he always used that term too). He even wanted me to work a government job if I could (I am in healthcare (!)). Well I saw what "uncle Sam' did for Dad (or didn't do) but that's another story. When he came out of the service, went to work in the steel industry - union work. I saw what the union did to him too (I offer no apologies to anyone on this site who are union. You do what you have to do. I do respect your hard work though.) That too is another story. My point - and I realize I am getting off thread here - I learned by watching life beat him down, what not to do. Good guy though he was, he fell into the "rely on others" camp. The one thing my GRANDFATHER showed me was to hoard silver as much as you can. Dad didn't - I did. I kept every silver coin I got from my paper route in the early 1980s - yes, I was still able to cull quite a few silvers even in the 80s. After college, I started buying silver as much as I could starting in 1991 (some mail order coin companies used to give silver away if you spent a certain amount with them). Where does this lead me? The thunderstorm will crash upon us. The blinders are still on the masses. We on realcent are ahead of the curve. I see mention of that $50/ounce level here so often but the truth is, it's going well beyond that. It will have it's pullbacks when Greece fails and the Euro fails because there will be the inevitable, though temporary run to the dollar (and away from PMs and any other asset class) but just like 2008, when the dust clears, the people of China, Japan, all of Asia, the middle east and yes, America wil run as fast as they can to trade their FRNs for silver and gold. When the public gets in, the parabolic rise will be on. Then, as I watch silver up 3% today, we will be sorry to have not loaded up the truck with $40/ounce silver.

Oh yes, the clouds are thickening and the thunder is rumbling. The longer it rumbles, the more wicked the storm will be. Be ready gang and for crying out loud KEEP STACKING!!!!
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Re: Just like before a thunderstorm

Postby pennypicker » Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:15 am

silverflake wrote:neilgin1, your wisdom is worth the visit each day to realcent.org. As Americans, the country as a whole has fallen asleep. Basically post WWII it seems we hit the slide into mediocrity. I am in my early 40's and learned from my Dad, not so much what to expect from this country, but what NOT to expect. He was a veteran (Air Force 52-56) and always told me to trust 'Uncle Sam' (he always used that term too). He even wanted me to work a government job if I could (I am in healthcare (!)). Well I saw what "uncle Sam' did for Dad (or didn't do) but that's another story. When he came out of the service, went to work in the steel industry - union work. I saw what the union did to him too (I offer no apologies to anyone on this site who are union. You do what you have to do. I do respect your hard work though.) That too is another story. My point - and I realize I am getting off thread here - I learned by watching life beat him down, what not to do. Good guy though he was, he fell into the "rely on others" camp. The one thing my GRANDFATHER showed me was to hoard silver as much as you can. Dad didn't - I did. I kept every silver coin I got from my paper route in the early 1980s - yes, I was still able to cull quite a few silvers even in the 80s. After college, I started buying silver as much as I could starting in 1991 (some mail order coin companies used to give silver away if you spent a certain amount with them). Where does this lead me? The thunderstorm will crash upon us. The blinders are still on the masses. We on realcent are ahead of the curve. I see mention of that $50/ounce level here so often but the truth is, it's going well beyond that. It will have it's pullbacks when Greece fails and the Euro fails because there will be the inevitable, though temporary run to the dollar (and away from PMs and any other asset class) but just like 2008, when the dust clears, the people of China, Japan, all of Asia, the middle east and yes, America wil run as fast as they can to trade their FRNs for silver and gold. When the public gets in, the parabolic rise will be on. Then, as I watch silver up 3% today, we will be sorry to have not loaded up the truck with $40/ounce silver.

Oh yes, the clouds are thickening and the thunder is rumbling. The longer it rumbles, the more wicked the storm will be. Be ready gang and for crying out loud KEEP STACKING!!!!

I wholeheartedly agree with every word in Silverflake's brilliant reply. I'm 54 now and beginning in the late 1970's I began seeing what was the beginning of an across the board deterioration of American society. And with each passing decade it has only became worse and there are no signs on the horizon that this country will finally start making a U-turn and start heading back towards the quality of life that we experienced in the '50s, '60s and early '70s.

I long again for those days and I feel sorry for my two teenage nieces who have to soon begin their adult lives in present day America. I tell them stories about how life was in America back when I was their age in the early '70s and they can't believe how simple and stress free it was.

Neilgin1 and Silverflake are correct in their predictions. America will someday have to be held accountable for all it's corporate & personal greed and when that time happens $40 silver will seem like a pipedream. Keep stacking ;)
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