Copper Pennies in the spotlight! *UPDATE again*

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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby adagirl » Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:54 pm

exbingoaddict wrote:Very cool highroller. Be looking forward to seeing it.

Anybody notice that HCBTT hasn't been posting today? Wonder if he's doing an interview with Robin Leach. :mrgreen:

He's busy posting his hoard on the bay :mrgreen:
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby adagirl » Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:39 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:I have no idea why most people here are so happy about this. Telling the world what you are doing/planning is bad... showing your face on tv is worse. It the same as preppers who appear on these doomsday tv shows... they show their faces and announce where they live. When the SHTF, they will become an instant target.

These warnings apply to Facebook as well. Social media my @ss... stay away from it. It's nothing more than a government database designed to spy on you.

George Orwell may have been a few years early, but he basically nailed all this.

I see pros and cons to this tv segment. My fear is the banks wise up and shut us down or charge prohibitive fees for picking up boxes to sort. If I can still obtain pennies without additional fees, I see the tv segment as a win-win.

From my experience, Portland and others will see an immediate increase in business that will rapidly decrease from the initial spike. Others will start the process and see how much work it is and get bored and/or tired. THe current coinflation rate is .022, and while that is "doubling" your money, it's a penny at a time so I predict more folks getting frutstrated and stopping. Then there will be welcomed new friends here at RC.

From the survivalist perspective, you are right on. For the big guys this is how they make a living, so let them advertise. For the smaller hoarders we are still unknown. I am guessing, but are you from Western Pencil-vein-ya?
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV)

Postby John_doe » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:16 pm

brexzz1 wrote:This is not good

Agree. It was bound to happen sooner or later though.

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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby John_doe » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:20 pm

Also with all the Attention and new members I know that confidentiallity of information might become a concern. Any thoughts?

I would really rather my information be kept private.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:50 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:
highroller4321 wrote:
I will let them reveal themselves only if they wish to do so.It was NOT HCBTT though. Remember he is like Santa Clause and the easter bunny ;) :lol:

HCBTT does not exist.......

HE DOES EXIST! :mrgreen:
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby cesariojpn » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:53 pm

adagirl wrote:I see pros and cons to this tv segment. My fear is the banks wise up and shut us down or charge prohibitive fees for picking up boxes to sort. If I can still obtain pennies without additional fees, I see the tv segment as a win-win.

From my experience, Portland and others will see an immediate increase in business that will rapidly decrease from the initial spike. Others will start the process and see how much work it is and get bored and/or tired. THe current coinflation rate is .022, and while that is "doubling" your money, it's a penny at a time so I predict more folks getting frutstrated and stopping. Then there will be welcomed new friends here at RC.

From the survivalist perspective, you are right on. For the big guys this is how they make a living, so let them advertise. For the smaller hoarders we are still unknown. I am guessing, but are you from Western Pencil-vein-ya?

So, it's gonna be like those storage locker auction shows?
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby adagirl » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:29 am

Could be. Just make sure you don't bid your own self up like "Barry" (I think that is his name; the old dude that is a collector) does on Storage Wars.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:01 am

Going to air Nov 4th! :)
Last edited by highroller4321 on Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:42 pm

highroller4321 wrote:Going to air this friday!

this friday Oct. 28?

or is it still Nov. 4th?
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby slickeast » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:45 pm

frugi wrote:
highroller4321 wrote:Going to air this friday!

this friday Oct. 28?

or is it still Nov. 4th?


Just watch both episodes :mrgreen:
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Andrew Jackson » Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:07 pm

TX bullion,
I agree one needs to have a ton of time on there hands,"literally " to try to sort for profit with the copper percentages so low. It would be a wiser investment to purchase copper cents as opposed to searching for them. Although as you know that was not always the case.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:27 pm

Nov 4th...sorry for the confusion! :)
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby cesariojpn » Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:57 pm

highroller4321 wrote:Nov 4th...sorry for the confusion! :)

*whack!* make up your mind already!! lol
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby slickeast » Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:43 pm

highroller4321 wrote:Nov 4th...sorry for the confusion! :)

Get your story (lies) straight.

You get easily confused. You probably told the interviewer to save the Zincs.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby iluc » Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:27 am

Looking forward to this! Hope I'm able to watch the clip online afterward...
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby pennypanner » Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:14 pm

Is anyone thinking that they should stock up on pennies to sort through before this show airs? It might be hard to get pennies afterward.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby frugi » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:32 pm

HA! lol. I hope it is hard to get pennies LMAO! I love it! I hope so. ;-)!!
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:36 pm

pennypanner wrote:Is anyone thinking that they should stock up on pennies to sort through before this show airs? It might be hard to get pennies afterward.

I have been stacking extra boxes to sort just in case we hit a little stretch where the banks don't have any left. Imagine going to your favorite bank mid-November to pick up a box or two and being told that they are all out but they have tons of CWRs that someone just turned in - a fresh dump from a new sorter in town. :x
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby Thogey » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:42 pm

We are going to be portrayed as a bunch of militant wackos.

The average 'tounge stud' American will ignore the facts and there will be no run on cents.

Most of those who will be in the game are in the game. That is, until the brutal economic reality forces the normal (statistically speaking) retard American moron into the real world.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby John_doe » Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:00 am

Thogey wrote:We are going to be portrayed as a bunch of militant wackos.

The average 'tounge stud' American will ignore the facts and there will be no run on cents.

Most of those who will be in the game are in the game. That is, until the brutal economic reality forces the normal (statistically speaking) retard American moron into the real world.

I hope it is more tasteful than that, but the media has a reputation for attacks against rationality.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby NHsorter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:09 am

Thogey wrote:We are going to be portrayed as a bunch of militant wackos.

The average 'tounge stud' American will ignore the facts and there will be no run on cents.

Most of those who will be in the game are in the game. That is, until the brutal economic reality forces the normal (statistically speaking) retard American moron into the real world.

It's kinda sad, but all of the points that you made may be spot on.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby highroller4321 » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:59 am

NHsorter wrote:
Thogey wrote:We are going to be portrayed as a bunch of militant wackos.

The average 'tounge stud' American will ignore the facts and there will be no run on cents.

Most of those who will be in the game are in the game. That is, until the brutal economic reality forces the normal (statistically speaking) retard American moron into the real world.

It's kinda sad, but all of the points that you made may be spot on.

Or 100% wrong :D

What you guys don't know is that the reporter who did this story.....ALREADY DID ANOTHER PENNY STORY 3 years ago with Ryedale and another ex-forum member. It was a radio show though instead of TV. She has just worked her way up the food chain and now can present the story to a National TV audience.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby adagirl » Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:17 am

Okay what is up with all of these "ex-forum members?" Frugi mentioned this too.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby NHsorter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:08 am

highroller4321 wrote:
NHsorter wrote:
Thogey wrote:We are going to be portrayed as a bunch of militant wackos.

The average 'tounge stud' American will ignore the facts and there will be no run on cents.

Most of those who will be in the game are in the game. That is, until the brutal economic reality forces the normal (statistically speaking) retard American moron into the real world.

It's kinda sad, but all of the points that you made may be spot on.

Or 100% wrong :D

What you guys don't know is that the reporter who did this story.....ALREADY DID ANOTHER PENNY STORY 3 years ago with Ryedale and another ex-forum member. It was a radio show though instead of TV. She has just worked her way up the food chain and now can present the story to a National TV audience.

Sorry man, I just don't trust the media. I have seen how some events that I have attended and situations that I have been involved with first hand and how they were totally misrepresented by the media. Sometimes it's misrepresented intentionally and sometimes they just make incorrect assumptions.

Glad to hear that the guy is legit though. I am excited to see the show.
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Re: Copper Pennies in the spotlight! (Going to be on TV) *up

Postby frugi » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:31 am

NHsorter wrote:Glad to hear that the guy is legit though. I am excited to see the show.

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