NotABigDeal wrote:Warning Commerce Bank members:
In all my years of doing this, hehe, I've never had a major issue with any of my banks. Untill two days ago. One of my banks is Commerce bank. I belonged to this bank before I even started searching coins. Never a major problem that couldn't be resolved with a branch manager. But I'm afraid that has changed. I noticed durring an online banking session that my balance wasn't right, and one of my accounts was missing.. I'm super anal when it comes to my money. Apearantly in July they changed their policy. No more free checking. Unless you have at least $500 worth of direct deposit, or maintain an average daily balance og $1500 you are charged $7 a month.
The missing account had $5 in it. The fee ate that up and automatically closed the account. My other account at that bank is the account that I write all my checks off of. I do not keep a balance of $1500 in there because it is not needed as this is not my primary bank. I do not have the ability to heve direct deposit, not that I would use it even if I did.
I will be closing this account as soon as all my checks that are out clear. I have one last hope as I've called the help line or whatever several times and there is nothing they can/will do for me. They said they sent me info reguarding the changes, but I have received nothing. I have a great relationship with a big wig at the branch I've been usung weekly for years. If she can't help me here is my plan:
I have a back log of zincs that need returned. I mean a bunch.... If the bank won't help me out I'm going to return them all in one of their super-slow lobby counters where the bags need changed frequently. Once all coins are in, I'll cash out and then close my account....
didou wrote:Don't close the account yet after you dump once. Turn it into a dumping bank until they stop you. Then close the account.
Roadrunner wrote:Welcome Aboard DirtyFingers! I know exactly what you're talking about, after $50 of pennies sorted and my thumbs and index fingers are greenish black.
Lemon Thrower wrote:i'm not going to defend any specific bank, but i will attempt to give you all perspective. The Dodd Frank law changed the rules for banks. it used to be that they could charge hefty insufficient fund charges to their worst customers who bounced checks. they would also charge a nice fee to merchants for accepting a debit card - less than credit cards, so merchants liked it, but well in excess of their costs, so profitable to the banks. DF doesn't allow banks to charge those any more, or requries them to cut their fees drastically. those fees subsidized a lot of things banks used to do for free, such as provide checking accounts. So expect to see major changes at most banks, not just commerce. It will be more important than ever for you to demonstrate to your bank why it makes sense for them to keep you as a customer.
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