The only reason it took so long is because I walked the boxes in from the car $50 at a time and was opening with scissors instead of razor.
$200 bank wrapped rolls
100% 2011s
0% copper
aaa30040 wrote:The only reason it took so long is because I walked the boxes in from the car $50 at a time and was opening with scissors instead of razor.
Robarons wrote:Oh wow you might have wanted to save those 2011's in the bank wrapped rolls. Dealers like them and some people here might have wanted them.
Mintages of halves have been falling for years- maybe only 2 million per mint- in comparison of the BILLIONS of Pennies, dimes and quarters minted
knibloe wrote:Get a scale and weight the boxes before you open them. The more copper the heavier they are. Someone help me out an remind me what the weight of a pure zinc box would be. Was it 14#?? A full boz of Copper would weigh 17# right??
penny pretty wrote:at coinshop yesterday new 2011 rolls selling for 5 bux each!!
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