Copper_Baron wrote:jtlee321 wrote:There is a new reality TV Show coming out in June.. "Bank Miner" it's about a guy with several Rydale's and who orders Half dollars and dimes. It show's his day to day operation how he sorts the coins and deals with the dumps. He gloat's about the amount of silver the "Public" get's rid of and he collects at face value. He talks mostly about the copper penny's that "No body knows about". This should spell doom for us.. Wink Wink.. It may not be long until this actually happens though...
That would be a very boring show.............
I don't know about that . . . If you'll notice, the excitement in most of these shows is not what they're doing, but the competition and the characters involved. There's always some kind of score kept.
BTW, that was FUNNY . . . Had a few folks here REAL upset ! ! !