kidman232 wrote:switching into a new job and looking to start up my 401k (young 20's). Im wondering what peoples thoughts are on what percentage i should allocate to my 401k and what percentage i should try to put into physical metals. Right now i have it set up with 7% to 401k with a 3% company match. But im wondering if i might see a better return putting the cash into metals and reducing the 401K amount per check.
dannan14 wrote:kidman232 wrote:switching into a new job and looking to start up my 401k (young 20's). Im wondering what peoples thoughts are on what percentage i should allocate to my 401k and what percentage i should try to put into physical metals. Right now i have it set up with 7% to 401k with a 3% company match. But im wondering if i might see a better return putting the cash into metals and reducing the 401K amount per check.
How much do you need to get the full 3% match? Typically, that will be 6%. Because of the way that discrimination testing works, most companies who use a match will match 50% up to 6%. That means if you contribute 6% they will give you a match of 50% of that or 3%. If that is the case with your company it will only free up 1% of your pay, but it will still give you the most free money. Also, you should find out the vesting schedule for that match. If it isn't 100% immediate, then take into account how long it will take for the match to become your money when you make your decision.
beauanderos wrote:It typically takes five full years to become 100% vested to get all of "their" money with your own,
barrytrot wrote:For some reason they think that attacking the mainstream that contribute to the 401k believing it to be *enough* is where the next move by TPTB is.
I would say, wouldn't it make much more sense for TPTB to attack the subversives that are hoarding gold and silver? Heck they already did it less than a hundred years ago.
BamaJoe wrote:It depends on whether you have enough faith in the politicians to believe that the money will be there for your retirement or whether or think that the money will be long gone before then. I happen to think one of two things will happen. Either individual accounts will be considered "unfair" because some do not have them and be "fairly distributed" among the masses or that the government will force a swap for government debt like some other countries have already done.
Treetop wrote:barrytrot wrote:For some reason they think that attacking the mainstream that contribute to the 401k believing it to be *enough* is where the next move by TPTB is.
I would say, wouldn't it make much more sense for TPTB to attack the subversives that are hoarding gold and silver? Heck they already did it less than a hundred years ago.
that is a solid point imo... In fact I think your right. I just think hard assets will still stand taller in the end. To each his own though. I would also ask others for opinions, but do what I can sleep best with at night.
barrytrot wrote:So your reasoning is that the government wouldn't do it because there isn't much money in it? Ha! That's how the government loves to work - they make money by spinning their wheels hiring random people and then skimming off the top
Treetop wrote:barrytrot wrote:For some reason they think that attacking the mainstream that contribute to the 401k believing it to be *enough* is where the next move by TPTB is.
I would say, wouldn't it make much more sense for TPTB to attack the subversives that are hoarding gold and silver? Heck they already did it less than a hundred years ago.
that is a solid point imo... In fact I think your right. I just think hard assets will still stand taller in the end. To each his own though. I would also ask others for opinions, but do what I can sleep best with at night.
+1DebtFreeMe wrote:Put in enough to get your complete match from the company, and then use whatever remains to put into other investments including silver, gold, or other investments...
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