Hi Everyone!
I've been lurking on these forums for a little while, and decided its time to say Hello! I am new to the hobby of collecting coins and sorting them. I have an interest in PM and Base Metal investing. Gotta say I've found alot of useful information on here! Anyway, I started my own little mini-hoard of Copper Pennies and Nickels. Began with $10 in pennies and 50 in nickels with plans on buying more every 2 weeks from my credit union. Purchased 10 lbs of Wheats from the Copper Cave website. So as I embark on this long term journey to amass my hoard, what kind of nickles should I be looking for? I've read some people suggest the ones from '09 and something about War Nickels. I'm looking for silver too. Thoughts? I hope to learn much more in the future! =) I do have a small collection of ASE's and Silver Proof collector sets from the US Mint. Good to see there are many other people who share my enthusiasm for such things....