I don't measure my PMs by USD, but by ounces.
(But BTW, even though I've bought the bulk of them over the past year, I'm still up when measured in USD, even with all the PM price supression during that period.)
Free money.... that's what the USD is, for sure. Worthless. OK - that's hyperbole - not yet fully worthless, but becoming more so, every day. The prices of items astound me, even when compared to just a year ago - when, BTW, I was having a debate with an intermittent poster here about whether or not inflation was real. He maintained then that it wasn't. At the time I told him something like that it was apparent we were living on different planets, because significant inflation was fact and not a debatable item.
PMLurker wrote:The government isn't going to seize anyone's tax deferred retirement accounts in the future. The taxes on the investments held in retirement accounts are taken out upon retirement. When people get to retirement age, most will not only be in a higher tax bracket, but at that time taxes will be higher. So the government will get their share of money.
If your employer is offering a company match, you should take advantage of that. Otherwise you are throwing away free money.
Investment is all about timing. You only make money when you sell for a profit whether its stocks, real estate, PMs, collectables etc.
If you have bought PMs 2+ years ago you would be up a bit of money. If you bought during the past year, unless it was on a correction, you could be down a bit or near break even.
Don't forget to invest in yourself. Learn skills that will increase your income in the future.