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Postby barrytrot » Mon May 21, 2012 1:58 pm

I'll stay in the city, thanks :)
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Postby NHsorter » Mon May 21, 2012 2:32 pm

Treetop wrote: financially speaking this was a very unwise move, even though the spot is top notch. We can afford it of course or we wouldnt have done it, but we lost all the capitol invested in the cheap place in town. We didnt save up a nice stash to get this place, in fact we sold some of our savings for the down payment. .

Don't sell yourself short. Upgrading when the market is down is not a bad move. So the first place was not a gain. No big deal. You got in a better place when the market was low so your net gain down the road should be good. Think of it as selling a bunch of 90% right now that you bought at $40 and using the proceeds as a down payment on a monster box. Sure, you took a loss on the 90%, but who cares. When silver gets back up over $40 you will be glad that you made the move.
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Postby Treetop » Mon May 21, 2012 2:41 pm

That is true NH... The place was listed for 9k higher then I offered. They even had two full price offers before we actually had the keys, and one of those tried to offer 10k more but it was to late. Coupled with the fact the whole place would have cost about 20-30k more a few years ago. Which is more then I paid for the place in town anyway... so basically i could pretend I bought a truly ideal spot here (I could happily spend the rest of my life here and do WELL) at the market height. Not to bad.. Considering how much I love this spot.
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Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 21, 2012 2:50 pm

barrytrot wrote:I'll stay in the city, thanks :)

and thats good......and i dont mean that bad or sarcastically , AT ALL.

Life is meant to be lived, whole and in fullness, and if one is drawn to an urban area, in this wholeness of life, stay with it. There is nothing so immoral than a man going against his tastes and convictions.

a lot of folks with "country places" think 'bugging out" will be a slam dunk, a smooth drive up to the redoubt, etc. Nothing more vulnerable than a refugee. There is an alternative concept, valid, called "bugging in place". Barry, i lived in a major urban center, for years, having grown up my first 7 years rural, and i can say, it can be done.... this "bugging in", it just involves being able to tighten things up in your domicile, and those specifics are not appropriate to this forum, suffice to say, it would mean being able lay low and have the ability to stand alone and inviolate for at least 4 weeks, should it come to that.

i wrote "untenable", not "unlivable". personally, i actually enjoy country, dirt back roads, i aint in hiding, so its a joy. But if its a nightmare to you, then whats life? at the same time, one of my favorite places is the Carlyle Hotel, 76th and Madison, always had big fun staying there, Bemelsman bar...noon, watching and listening to an inebriated centillionaire expound on the world, prior to heading off to that toilet known as Yankees stadium for a game. Madison Ave in the 70th streets is antiquity row, and probably one of the few places you can find gold and silver Roman and Greek coins, good ones, if you got the urge and FRN's, so city life is full.

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Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 21, 2012 2:51 pm

NHsorter wrote:
Treetop wrote: financially speaking this was a very unwise move, even though the spot is top notch. We can afford it of course or we wouldnt have done it, but we lost all the capitol invested in the cheap place in town. We didnt save up a nice stash to get this place, in fact we sold some of our savings for the down payment. .

Don't sell yourself short. Upgrading when the market is down is not a bad move. So the first place was not a gain. No big deal. You got in a better place when the market was low so your net gain down the road should be good. Think of it as selling a bunch of 90% right now that you bought at $40 and using the proceeds as a down payment on a monster box. Sure, you took a loss on the 90%, but who cares. When silver gets back up over $40 you will be glad that you made the move.

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Postby beauanderos » Mon May 21, 2012 3:19 pm

barrytrot wrote:I'll stay in the city, thanks :)

No... the roving hordes thank you, Barry. :shock: :? :lol: But hey, I'm in the same boat, so who am I to talk? :o "C'mon over, all you starving freeloaders who didn't plan ahead... let me season those groceries you're attempting to steal out of my garage with some rock salt served at 200mph." 8-)
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Postby NHsorter » Mon May 21, 2012 3:25 pm

beauanderos wrote:
barrytrot wrote:I'll stay in the city, thanks :)

No... the roving hordes thank you, Barry. :shock: :? :lol: But hey, I'm in the same boat :o

Such well respected members may have to be "extracted" from the city by Realcent Team 6 if the SHTF. We won't take no for an answer. :lol:
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Postby Treetop » Mon May 21, 2012 4:54 pm

Im willing to house and feed a few RC folks if things fall apart. I want paid for the room and food in bullion of course... ;) I guess something involving a lot of digging might be able to be arranged as well.
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Postby Beau » Tue May 22, 2012 10:34 pm

beauanderos wrote:
barrytrot wrote:I'll stay in the city, thanks :)

No... the roving hordes thank you, Barry. :shock: :? :lol: But hey, I'm in the same boat, so who am I to talk? :o "C'mon over, all you starving freeloaders who didn't plan ahead... let me season those groceries you're attempting to steal out of my garage with some rock salt served at 200mph." 8-)

beau I agree with you all except the rock salt at 200 mph.
I use a 10 gauge with double 00 buck.
a 12 gauge with a 36 inch barrell and 3 and 1/2 Magnum.
if they are close then I use a 9 MM or 44 Smith and Wesson.

I live in town but I don`t intend to when the time comes.
I step outside now in town where I live and fire off a few rounds to make people think I`am crazy, everyone is convinced.
when the cops come by no has heard anything.

my old feedback



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Postby shinnosuke » Wed May 23, 2012 9:30 am

BOTTOM!! As in: We are searching for a new bottom.
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Postby beauanderos » Wed May 23, 2012 11:11 am

I had a little play money in one acct, so instead of buying 47 shares of USLV a few days ago at $26 I thought... heck, put in a crazy low bid for 51 at $22. :lol: It caught the bid today :shock:
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Postby Oakair » Wed May 23, 2012 11:40 am

shinnosuke wrote:BOTTOM!! As in: We are searching for a new bottom.

Or as in: triple BOTTOM breakdown
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Postby shinnosuke » Wed May 23, 2012 11:51 am

Oakair wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:BOTTOM!! As in: We are searching for a new bottom.

Or as in: triple BOTTOM breakdown

I've seen some people at Walmart with one of those.
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Postby Country » Wed May 23, 2012 3:01 pm

The retest at SILVER $27 was in the cards. Perhaps, now that we have had our retest, SILVER moves higher once again. :mrgreen: A problem, however, is that the USD remains strong... :?
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Postby slara512 » Wed May 23, 2012 3:22 pm

Ever look at price charts upside down? it removes some of the bias we have in certain assets we want to go up or down.

slv upside down.jpg
slv inverted
slv upside down.jpg (101.12 KiB) Viewed 503 times

slv regular.jpg
slv regular
slv regular.jpg (98.09 KiB) Viewed 503 times

Silver is more likely to rise up from current levels. But if it does not, its clear path back to 17-20 (the old highs).

Also, the Price of Silver (as we know it) is priced in US Dollars. If the price of US Dollars increase relative to other currencies, then silver price will adjust to reflect the value of the Dollar price of silver.

Think of Silver/USD.

However, if more dollars are printed and these dollars bid up silver, then the USD dollar strength is negated. The US Dollar index is priced based on a basket of other fiat currencies (euro, yen, british pound, canadian, australian). If all of the currencies are inflated, then Silver still shines based on supply as long as silver supply stayed more limited than paper money supply.

Cool chart though, huh?
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Postby beauanderos » Wed May 23, 2012 3:44 pm

Nice charts, sure. But I take issue with silver/US$. The rise and fall of silver is not at all commensurate on a percentage basis with the weakening or strengthening of the dollar vs the basket of currencies by which it is compared. There are hugely disproportionate drops, at times, when the dollar barely budges, and counterintuitively... when the dollar weakens TPTB still manage to paint a negative picture on the charts.
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Postby slara512 » Wed May 23, 2012 3:52 pm

@beauanderos : Thats correct. The leverage of currency and the banking system makes it so that a small change in the Dollar causes or is associated with larger changes in other asset prices. US dollar was almost twice as high in 2000 when gold, silver, oil, etc were many more multiples lower than recent highs.

maybe I should have said SLV/(USD*FED leverage)
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Postby shinnosuke » Wed May 23, 2012 5:05 pm

slara512 wrote:@beauanderos : Thats correct. The leverage of currency and the banking system makes it so that a small change in the Dollar causes or is associated with larger changes in other asset prices. US dollar was almost twice as high in 2000 when gold, silver, oil, etc were many more multiples lower than recent highs.

maybe I should have said SLV/(USD*FED leverage)

Spot on analysis. Thanks for the chance to revisit the SLV/USD chart. That's a good visual.
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Postby 68Camaro » Wed May 23, 2012 5:07 pm

If that really made sense, if there was cause and effect, then there should be a correlation, even if by a factor. There isn't one. It's true that changes in the USD index and changes in PM prices can be observed to occur at the same times, somewhat frequently, but too often there is zero or even negative correlation, and even when they head in a consistent direction the proportionality factors change constantly. I've been watching this for two years now and have yet to match the pattern. There is FAR more going on than just pricing.
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Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Wed May 23, 2012 5:15 pm

68Camaro wrote:If that really made sense, if there was cause and effect, then there should be a correlation, even if by a factor. There isn't one. It's true that changes in the USD index and changes in PM prices can be observed to occur at the same times, somewhat frequently, but too often there is zero or even negative correlation, and even when they head in a consistent direction the proportionality factors change constantly. I've been watching this for two years now and have yet to match the pattern. There is FAR more going on than just pricing.

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Postby shinnosuke » Wed May 23, 2012 5:17 pm

68Camaro wrote:If that really made sense, if there was cause and effect, then there should be a correlation, even if by a factor. There isn't one. It's true that changes in the USD index and changes in PM prices can be observed to occur at the same times, somewhat frequently, but too often there is zero or even negative correlation, and even when they head in a consistent direction the proportionality factors change constantly. I've been watching this for two years now and have yet to match the pattern. There is FAR more going on than just pricing.

Is there noone then who can figure out the DaVinci Code? You know how people get a kick out of telling secrets (witness the leaky cottage industry built by Julian Assange). Just wondering when some fine chap might step forward and spill the beans.
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Postby slara512 » Wed May 23, 2012 5:38 pm

Here is the most current Silver chart inflation adjusted. Silver would have to reach $275.00 to reach all time high in real terms.
silver inflation adjusted.jpg
silver inflation adjusted
silver inflation adjusted.jpg (39.91 KiB) Viewed 431 times

Chart scale is in "log" format for easier viewing.
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Postby 68Camaro » Wed May 23, 2012 8:38 pm

Don't know which inflation stats you're using, but taking the above at face value without even taking into account other factors (peak silver, desire for non-fiat hard money, expanding industrial use), and considering that the 20 year period starting the late 1980s was an historically bad silver market, it appears that fair market value should be at least in the 40-50 range.

I don't get at all excited about the 1980 number - that's an event driven peak. If we see that it'll be for other reasons, different sets of events.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Postby tractorman » Wed May 23, 2012 9:22 pm

68Camaro wrote:I don't get at all excited about the 1980 number - that's an event driven peak. If we see that it'll be for other reasons, different sets of events.

+ a million. I always :roll: and move along when people refer to that spike.
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Postby Country » Thu May 24, 2012 8:04 am

Triple BOTTOM!! :mrgreen:

SILVER RISING TO $28.51 and climbing this morning... The path of least resistence is higher - Very nice indeed.. :D
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