Good Members:
I have a number of slabbed coins including pennies, nickles, dimes (rosies, mercs,) quarters (washingtons,) halves (franklins, walkers, and an Ike) dollars (3 morgans, 3 peace) a couple of SAEs and a couple of 1/4 oz gold eagles. They are all graded by PCGS, NGC, ANACS or ICG from MS63 to MS70. I also have a couple of Proof SAEs.
I thought now would be a good time to sell them to help pay for a septic system that . . . well, lets just say I have a strong dislike for a local Board of Health that certified it and certain contractor who installed it.
Given the great advice I've gleened here and all around fine people who administrate and make this Forum what it is, I thought if there were enough interest I'd list more details then determine weather to sell direct or on the Buy It/Auction Board. In any case, I'd like to give you all first crack at them. If not, I'll then go where I can get the best return.
Thanx in advance and I appreciate you taking the time to read this.