neilgin1 wrote:heck we might even see a 1000 point plus down in the Dow.
HD-Daddy wrote:We are still in 2nd quarter. Just saying...
beauanderos wrote:You can rest assured that no matter how hard the stock markets fall, that the vermin in charge of crushing metals (to avert another divergence disaster for them like Friday) will be back at his desk today, pressing buttons and punching numbers like a giant meth-addicted rat who knows his peepee will get whacked hard if he slips again today.
beauanderos wrote:You can rest assured that no matter how hard the stock markets fall, that the vermin in charge of crushing metals (to avert another divergence disaster for them like Friday) will be back at his desk today, pressing buttons and punching numbers like a giant meth-addicted rat who knows his peepee will get whacked hard if he slips again today.
Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
68Camaro wrote:True, but good luck with that... For those that can keep on top of it, more power to you all.
High-frequency trades now account for 70-80% of all equity trades.
68Camaro wrote:Ah, but the question is, what is it? It's not what it used to be.
From the article by Paul Craig Roberts, which Neil just linked elsewhere:High-frequency trades now account for 70-80% of all equity trades.
This isn't the market of 30-40 years ago which I grew up trying to understand, which was based on providing real capital to industry, which created products, jobs, trade, etc.
What it has become is legalized gambling, with hidden rooms where unknown powers pull levers and turn knobs, and the small guy has no place in this. My equity investments have been minimal for more than 10 years now - I lost faith in the "market" as a market in the late 90s.
68Camaro wrote:Faith in the market of the 90s was misplaced - I lost faith in it then, not that faith in it was warranted then.
There has been a fundamental structural change in the market over the 20 years. It is not the same. It may appear the same in the fractals, but the underlying physics are (almost) completely different.
I'm not saying that one can't use the market. Just that it requires (I believe) a specialist to do so on a regular basis, and even then care is required.
Jonflyfish wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
Looks like the DJIA will close up more than 400 points for the best weekly performance of the year.
Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
tractorman wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
Looks like the DJIA will close up more than 400 points for the best weekly performance of the year.
Good call ... in hindsight ...
neilgin1 wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
yeh, first stop 6500 Dow, and then 1300 Dow.....gravity bud.
Jonflyfish wrote:neilgin1 wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:For the week the DJIA is Up approx 300 points thus far. Is there a stop or reverse level for this call?
yeh, first stop 6500 Dow, and then 1300 Dow.....gravity bud.
I don't follow. My comments were in reference to the thread topic. You must be prognosticating about something different.
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