OK - Latest update indicates the mint was upset by the price gouging (bordering on thievery) of their distributors and have now clamped down;
good article from numisnews. (corrects my first info; cost is +9.75 -->per coin<--.)
http://www.numismaster.com/ta/numis/Art ... leId=16519Prices to authorized purchasers are based on the London morning silver price plus $9.75 a coin. Orders confirmed by the Mint Dec. 10, for example, were priced based on London’s a.m. price of $29.33 an ounce on Dec. 13, or $146.65 plus $9.75. This equals $156.40 a coin, or $782 for a five-coin set. With a 10 percent mark-up, the total comes to $860.20 a set plus the allowable shipping and handling charge.
$34 per Toz +S&H