I am thinking outside of RC transactions, using craigslist may be a second best place to sell silver. How has pricing been as a seller on CL? If prices stay in the margins that Ebay seems to get as general price floor, constructing sales on CL may be a more-under-the-radar/cost effective method ( ie- no buyer shenanigans of saying silver never arrived; more anonymity too in most cases for me as a seller too? ) ? Are buyers disconnected from LCS and Ebay prices? I know the several blind ads I ran on CL last year has responses from people who wanted to make low-ball offers. I am thinking that a negotiated price that undercuts the LCS's may be incentive for buyers and sellers to meet easily on CL.
I am very reluctant to sell on Ebay as I do not think selling silver there is as safe as selling other items perhaps. For me to arrange a CL sale at my convenience where I don't have to drive out of my regular daily route(s), maybe even negotiating a price where the buyer pays in bricks of pennies ( ha!) could be killing two-birds-with-one-stone kind of thing.