Yeah, I realize most of it probably doesn't really exist, and I could get screwed if the scheme collapses. However, I think it's a lot easier to make money trading in paper than selling your stuff back to the coin shop every time it goes over $40 (which I hope will actually happen soon...). I do have some physical, and I'll buy more when it goes below $30 again, but I think it's inconvenient for trading... or at least that's what I've always heard. For all I know the coin shop would give me a great price, but I think they'd see quickly enough that they're losing money on me if I always buy low and sell high. Also, claims (which my be totally accurate as far as I know) of market manipulation have been around for like... ever, right? If it hasn't collapsed by now, it probably won't soon.
And by the way I'm not considering putting like a ton of money in this... I don' have enough even if i wanted to
But maybe like $500-$1,000 at the most so i can make some bank...
267,500 pennies and 186,000 nickels searched. Hand sorter.