by Country » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:05 pm
I'm sure I emptied the skid at my local Brinks. After some older rich in SILVER boxes in early March 2010, the Brink's boxes disappeared for the rest of the month, and I got the Dunbar-like long-boxes with holes in the box as Brink's most likely got more halves from the FED. When they replenished and reboxed halves by early April, I ended up getting 40+ boxes in a row of 1994-P halves, which had to come directly from the Richmond, Va FED. I gave up with Brink's in my area because all I got was BU boxes which were useless to me. I went to another local source bank that uses Dunbar, which gives me the long-boxes with the holes in them. For a while, I was getting mostly recent repackaged dumps, and have gotton a few of these in the last couple weeks too. But, in the last 2 weeks, I have started to get boxes date stamped in early 2008, which have some good SILVER in them. One even older box, without a date stamp, had 2 Barber halves in it. Every one of the 2008 boxes I received have had SILVER in them. So, I think I am getting to some old boxes, probably on a pallet, that have good SILVER in them. I think these boxes have been sitting on a pallet in my local Dunbar facility for 3 or more years.
My dumps now go back to Brink's via my local Credit Union. Interestingly, my new Dunbar bank was my old dump bank, whose branches received $40K of the BU 1994-P halves. These must have gone back to the Richmond, VA Fed, because I have not seen them. I am somewhat certain that Brink's and Dunbar must have separate facilities in my area. None of my test marked halves have been seen by me. I am somewhat certain that when they receive excess halves, that they individually return them to the Richmond, Va Fed.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle, 1855