Rodebaugh wrote:Will 90% Silver Dry up First?
In short.....NO
Long may become scarce to market at times as any supply vs demand commodity does, but rest assured it is the king and the reserves are there.
Folks, lets cut the speculation hogwash and run the numbers. 90% is going nowhere and here's why.
Let us evaluate the commonly traded 90% that the US has minted:
21351.5 metric tons Washington Quarters
15756.0 metric tons Bens, Kens, and Walkers
20906.6 metric tons Mercs and Rosies.
58014 METRIC TONS of Common 90%. Folks this doesn't include the Barber series and Standing Libertys we often see in junk, and i'm not even counting the first Peace or Morgan dollar in this number because that would blow this comparison to orbit. These are just the common fractional 90% coins. Wait!, I know what your thinking and resist the urge of...."but gee wiz doc; I was told they melted a bunch of them there silver coins in da 80's". My answer.....So What? Let's say they melted a full 50% of them (which is grossly inflated estimate). That still leaves us with approximately 30 THOUSAND METRIC TONS of fractional common 90% floating around.
So how much is 30K Met-tons? Well lets compare it the second most popular bullion vehicle ever produced; the Silver American eagle. There have been 10474.4 metric tons of those minted. Assuming no attrition (melting or loss) this still places the all high and mighty ASE at a 1:3 ratio once to ounce in relation to 90%.
Time out for review:
-There is a bunch of 90%
-Even if half of the 90% ever minted has been melted (which is so ridiculous I'm ashamed that I typed it) there is still a bunch of it.
-So much of it that ASEs to 90% = 1:3
-At this rate If you can wait another 60+ years ASEs will be as common (per ounce) as 90%.
Doc....thanks for crunching numbers, because what MIGHT seem like a supply OVERHANG, I think of as LIQUIDITY....meaning post dollar...POST LEARNING CURVE, there WILL BE the numbers of pieces...coinage to insure a LIQUID, coherent TRADE.
its not so much I want the 90's (or 40's) to "go" a stock price. I want them to retain trade value, monetary value. i'm talking the rural areas, where I live....even now, there's a LOT of trade, in barter form...sans PM's...for instance, the former owners here, left me this beautiful TV, pre flat screen, but a beautiful TV....I just wont "buy" cable to watch commercials, or watch that silly palaber they call "news", so I traded it for a whole cord of split cured red elm...I already got more than enough farwood, but now I got more, and last nights low was 7 below with a 20 knot wind, so.....
you know what i'm saying?...liquidity, insuring currency, which insures heat, or food, or current, or security. I believe you're slightly bearish on the nominal price of Ag, and if we have the equities sell off that seems to be coming....yeh, we could $9 the toz again, but i'm not sure the physical AG can be had at that to you esteemed Doc, n.