The 1 TOZ portion of my stack doesn't contain all ASEs, Maples or the like. It's mostly a wide-ranging mix of assorted rounds and bars. Many of these were acquired when silver was in the $3-7 range, so I'm in the money on them. I do have favorites, though.
I could easily part with the ones commemorating a 1989 Blueberry Festival, the opening of a new bank or someone else's wedding anniversary (engraved). One TOZ is 1 TOZ after all, but I do have some I like better than others. The smelter doesn't discriminate, but, after pawing through thousands of loose bars and rounds at my LCS and coin shows, I admit to having a group that would be easy send away as well as others that would be the last to go.
I'm partial to the Prospectors of the early 1980s. Others have elaborate designs that would be worthy of an actual government issue. I sometimes muse what the POS would have to be to make me part with all of them at once. If I received my theoretical price, would I try to buy some back even though the price would be higher? Could I be entirely without a stack? Negative on that.
You bet I prioritize my bars and rounds. Some of them became mine after a hard-fought negotiating session. Others I bought at a below-market price. Those factors only add to the degree of difficulty when creating the line going to the smelter. Great fun, eh?