JJM wrote:There's a thread somewhere, perhaps on the old site, that talked about a coin machine that tracked coppers vs. zincs. There's a thread somewhere, on this new site I think, in which a member who was also a coin machine tech talked about such a creature he had "tweaked" for someone. If the OP wants to do his homework, this information (and more) is out there. I don't mean to be rude, but if you expect your (potential) competition (eg: Portland Mint) to give you all the tricks of their trade, you might not be cut out for entreprenurial endeavors such as this. The world doesn't work this way. I'm surprised he's as forthcoming with information as he is...lol...and I can't blame you for asking - I guess - but it seems to me that personal research comes before questioning the competition. Call up all the banks within 100 miles, surely someone has a machine that tracks old vs. new pennies.
fasTT wrote:Access to coinage is the hard part. Machinery can be found, labor can be found, capital can be found.
What you need is a large amount of "fresh" coin coming your way. That is the trick. Industrial guys have it because that is the business. The sorting for more valuable coins is a profit center aside from the real business, which is processing coins.
Snake42 wrote:There are a lot of negative Nancy's in this thread. People will come up with every reason why you shouldn't do something. The burden of proof lies on your shoulders. I feel like this is feasible, but hey what do I know?
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:It's only $16,000 in pennies to sort a week. Sure, it could be done. But even with the best equipment, that is a lot of work for 1 guy. I know first-hand some of the problems that occur when you attempt to ramp up production.
JadeDragon wrote:It's pretty simple. Solve your 1 supply and 2 disposal problems, 3 buy and 4 maintain the equipment, find a way to 5 sell a lot of copper coins, 6 capitalize it all.
misteroman wrote:Lol yup that's it! See how easy that was
Pennysaved wrote:Would it be worth it in the beginning to just do it as a side part time business? Start with one rydeale and get the process going. Start small and dream big.
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