by rainsonme » Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:33 am
What Dent says in response to the central banks efforts to inflate our way out of the deleveraging, is that this time it is just too big, by Dent's calculations, almost 200 trillion in debt to deleverage, and by most other calculations somewhere over 70 trillion. He says the central banks will try, but fail, to re-inflate.
Meanwhile, Harry is happy, 'cause he's selling books to fools like me, even if they are on the discount shelf. And no, there was no Peace Dollar wrapped with the book.
There are deflationary pressures: conintued decline in housing values; high unemployment; low wage increases, tight credit. And of course there are inflationary pressues: energy, food, PM's, raw materials, printing dollars. We are at or very close to a tipping point. Either Dent or the rest of the world will soon be vendicated.