Market Harmony wrote:First of all, your thread title is lame.
Secondly, man up and tell those old gossiping hags that YOU are the gold buyer, and anything that is gold or silver you will appreciate a phone call so that you can buy it better than 50% of its value as you suspect they are currently getting. And then you tell them that anything that they think is gold or silver that you'll look at it for free and tell them what it is.
You have NO control over others. You CAN control yourself. You're complaining that the old hags caught on? Do you think they are monkeys? Of course they were going to figure it out. Be happy that you had it good when you did, cheapskate. And throw the unfortunate a bone or two. Someday you might become the needy or meek... and then the Earth is yours
Snake42 wrote:Dude I know exactly what you are saying. If you try and make money with anything other than a 9-5 you are looked down on.
neilgin1 wrote:Thogey wrote:Neil,
Let's go get drunk together sometime.
i'm on brother........i'm writing this from a hospital bed....just had to sit on a anti-biotic resistant URI for a few days, but i'm there.
Thogey wrote:neilgin1 wrote:Thogey wrote:Neil,
Let's go get drunk together sometime.
i'm on brother........i'm writing this from a hospital bed....just had to sit on a anti-biotic resistant URI for a few days, but i'm there.
Holy Crap!
Get well soon, and get the hell out of that hospital as soon as you can.
Those are where the scary germs are. Knocking out a prayer for you.
Snake42 wrote:Dude I know exactly what you are saying. If you try and make money with anything other than a 9-5 you are looked down on.
neilgin1 wrote:there is a huge difference between turning a profit, and preying upon the desperate, the fearful and the weak, especially during a time when OUR COUNTRYMEN are hurting so bad...........and just desperate enough to make moves prudence wouldnt allow.......
and please dont even tell me that these banksters, that these Boeing's and GE's and Haliburtons aint "sucking off the government" 100 times larger that any pressed individual.....why is the lonely individual, hungry, without hope scorned, while those who take bribes, are corrupt, are given a free ride in their greed and rapacious?
is there no justice in this land? Havent any men read your Bible?....who God, who Jesus heaps the most scorn on?
neilgin1 wrote:true...i am a mercantilist, a capitalist, a trader, and there is that feeling that if you REALLY TRADE, the uniniated look down on us, to which i say "[fluff] 'em". the price is, where the price trades. i takes me profits, i takes me losses, i dont squeal whine or moan. That said i will never ignore my brother or sister, who is hurting, hungry and helpless, when i CAN help, nor will i cast scorn upon them, when indeed i know that the biggest welfare recipients of all are the those who have their greedy mouths attached to the teet of the military industrial complex, which my hero President Eisenhower warned us about in his last address to the what does this all have to do with us?........the game is, "they" try to divide us over that one last "cookie" most of them men on this forum are three to five to ten steps ahead of the common clod adrift in America, we know the peril of leaning on the FRN, we know the supremacy of the value of hard money, silver coins and such, but i believe to us is given a great responsibility, meaning we only survive thru communitas, the romantic lone wolf is fantasy, united we stand, divided we fall.....and there MIGHT come a time when we are called to LEAD in our small neck of the woods...or at least have a voice, and i say let our voices ring out true, straight and noble.
Tantalar wrote:Tried to watch it with my girlfriend but she didn't want to watch it with me sadly. It did look bad-ass though. Some time fairly soon I know things will get better. I would be so ready to pack my bags and leave CT after their INCREASE in taxes YET AGAIN... I am really liking New Hampshire more and more but I really like playing tennis so I'm not too sure where to go for year round tennis.
neilgin1 wrote:hey Pennybug, you know what i dont like? i dont like that reference to my post about the scum trying to sell 500 FV Halves for 3K and it feels to me, you cast me in with "liberals", when in essence it up to us capitalists to POLICE OUR OWN, and not just say, "oh they stoopid, they deserve what get by not being educated". True capitalists realize the sanctity of the market must be preserved at all costs, and not just to allow the greedy screwheads to come in and RAPE people, these greedy screwheads are WORSE than any commie, in fact, guess who our biggest trading partner is? the biggest commie nation of all, the PEOPLES republic of China, and the screwheads and the chinese have KILLED the middle class. So any true blood capitalist is a man above reproach, a square dealer, because he realizes the responsibility of the free market.
and Market Harmony, i sure did like that cyber bitch slapping you done offense tantalar, but a question, why you buying jewelry to put on a women's wrist?, my tribe knows that ANY PM is to hoard and stash, not to wear and flash.
one more thing, Thomas Jefferson is one of my hero's, he is called a "classical liberal" i guess, i'm a classical liberal.
so before you slam me, you might wanna study up:
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