Just finished off bag #2 from my only bag pickup. Bag #1 had "0" wheats and a guess of 30% copper!
Well bag #2 was a little better with a total of "11" wheats. The oldest being a 1936. I did score 13 more Canadian coppers including 2 more George VI's. That's 3 George VI's counting the one I got in bag #1.
And...scored 2 dimes. Woo...Hoo....!
3 foreign coins showed up, too! 1 from Barbados, 1 from Australia (maybe...gonna check), and 1 from the far east...(gonna check that one, too).
Oh, and I'd bet the copper's going to run in the mid-30% range on this bag.
I have bag #3 waiting to go through tomorrow....hope it get's a little better!