$50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

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$50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby dan53 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:51 am

Whenever I go anywhere, I try to find out if nearby banks have any halves they would like to get rid of. I was gonna walk my dog at the botannical gardens so I called two nearby banks and on the first one.... the lady said she only had 5 loose halves. I asked for the dates and one was a 1964. At a second bank, I picked up $180 in halves and there were two 1964's and one 1966. So, I wound up with about $50 worth of silver for about $5.00 (gas and face value). The little scores add up over time.

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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby knibloe » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:12 am

Congrats on the finds. That is exactly how I have built up a nice little nest egg of silver for myself. I agree with the concept that little things add up. Yesterday I was at a customers, and in the parking lot there was some garbage:

18" of 1/2" stainless steel cable
3" of rebar
4" bolt
2" piece of copper tubing.

I figure maybe a dollar worth of scrap metal, just for bending over. I see this stuff every day at work and now have cans at home to sort into. It might take me a while to fill them, but I will have a nice payday down the road soem time.
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby AGCoinHunter » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:20 am

Just a bit of advice...When getting halves from a teller, dont ask the dates, just buy them and check dates after. Asking dates leads to tellers wondering why you care what date they are. If they are not onto silver this could very well turn them on to it.
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby fasteddy » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:22 am

Ditto on AGCoinHunter...also ask for and buy all of their big dollars...Ike's you may end up with some Ike's and a Peace dollar one day. ;)
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:50 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:Just a bit of advice...When getting halves from a teller, dont ask the dates, just buy them and check dates after. Asking dates leads to tellers wondering why you care what date they are. If they are not onto silver this could very well turn them on to it.

You can get around this by telling them you need certain dates for your Dansco 8-)

To the OP, congrats on those finds! Definitely a rare occurance these days.
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby dan53 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:44 am

Thanks. I rarely ask for dates. Sorted 4 boxes yesterday. 9 forties.....2 -- 64's and 2 -- Franklins. Not a big score but its $111.95 and added to monday's score, I am at $161.95 for the week and its only thursday!
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby HPMBTT » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:26 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:Just a bit of advice...When getting halves from a teller, dont ask the dates, just buy them and check dates after. Asking dates leads to tellers wondering why you care what date they are. If they are not onto silver this could very well turn them on to it.

AGCoinHunter is correct. NEVER ask what the dates on the coins are; just take them all and check later when you get home. If they ever actually say, "what dates are you looking for?" .....then I always say, oh I dunno, just various dates, so that I can put them in my folder/album. If they press me further, then I usually say that even if I have the coin already, that the ones you just sold me might be a little cleaner or shinier than the ones I already got and that I'll just replace it and cash in the old ones etc. It is important to be cheerful, but vague at the same time (without being too intentionally vague so as to appear suspicious).
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Re: $50 of silver for $2..Little scores add up over time.

Postby dan53 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:11 pm

Went to three towns (or cities) and 11 banks this morning. My approach to each teller went like: Good morning! How are you? They say..I'm fine, what can I do for you? To which I reply....My nephew has me out searching for half dollars and I was just wondering if you might have some you would like to be rid of. (They are almost always happy to get rid of them cause they don't have to count them at the end of the day ). I scored at 2 of the 11 banks I went to. The best score was in 3 rolls with 28 silver coins divided amongst them.

Today's total: 25 forties, 4 nineties, 1 - 1943 british crown ( 50% silver ), and 2 presidential tokens. Today's total: ( $212.69 )

This weeks total so far: $374.64

I am debating as to whether to make a run tomorrow. Friday is the worst day of the week to make a run....but I'VE GOT THE FEVER!
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